Unit 3 Proposal & Research Festival
I plan to continue the concept of Unit 2: Memories for my work on the Unit 3 summer show. The piece's elements are separated into two categories: nature and people.
In Unit 2, I used mountains as the major vehicle for my work in the 'nature' section, but in Unit 3, I may switch to camphor trees. Camphor trees have seen me grow from a child to an adult in the city where I grew up for 18 years, and I have a strong personal affinity to them. I'm planning to have my grandmother as a model for the other part. I love my family, which means I treasure the time I spend with them. After my grandma was diagnosed with cancer, I recognised once again how important it is to spend time with family. I realised I didn't have a picture of my grandmother at one point, so I captured a screenshot every time I spoke to her on video, and I could see the changes in her appearance as a result of the cancer. Creating the work was a process of experimenting with my drawing materials, which was similar to the initial goal of the Unit 2 project of preserving and recording fading memories.
For my work, I decided to sketch on nine different A2-sized sheets of paper and then combine them, expanding the use of magnetic powder and charcoal as drawing mediums. I'll use gelatin prints to print a screenshot of a video call with my grandmother on paper, then cover it with magnetic powder. When I move the magnetic powder under the paper with a magnet, it creates a toner-like imprint on the paper, which I subsequently draw with charcoal. At the same time, I intend to print some images of my memories to glue onto the drawing and some to set on the floor, similar to how the leaves are dispersed in the drawing. This is a mixed-media experiment.
For the research festival, I have two ideas: write a piece of writing or create an artist's book.
Concerning the writing: In Unit 1, I investigated the relationship between experimental film and drawing, and in Unit 2, I examined black and white photography and drawing, so I plan to write an essay on experimental film, photography, and drawing, expressing a personal understanding of drawing that is also relevant to my artistic practise.
I also have the possibility of creating an artist's book, and I'd like to include some handwork in the printed book to give it a strong personal touch, as well as publish some of my own drawings and photographs in a book about my own creative path and the creation of my practice in Units 1–3.

Reference Artists
- William Kentridge
- Anna Park
- Nina Mae Fowler
- Anselm Kiefer
- Sohei Nishino
- Jackson Pollock