A Recorder

My artwork has always been directly tied to my own experiences, and I am very good at portraying emotions, feelings, and recollections in stark black and white contrast. My creative language is material, texture, and experimentation. Experimental film and black-and-white photography are frequent sources of inspiration for me, as are numerous material experiments and experimental videos.
As time passes and life changes, I wish to keep many things in mind, so memories have been the topic of my work in this new period of creation. On a vacation, I saw many beautiful mountains, and the rocks and trees on these mountains showed me the most important aspects of drawing: point and line to plane. Because any sight can be transformed into a drawing, I wanted to capture what I observed with my eyes. I tried to document it via drawing, photography, printing and experimental video, and the process of creating it became the act of recording memories itself. Memory evolves with time, and investigating the unpredictability, rearrangement, and inaccuracy of memory in my work has become a way for me to express emotions and feelings.
Drawing is my favourite method of recording things, as well as my subjective perspective on everything in the world. The boundary between things, photography and drawing can be blurred, and everything under the camera can be a drawing. Through a consistent practise of working with realistic and abstract objects, I aspire to return to the essence of drawing.